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Is It Wise To Engage A Cheap Divorce Lawyer In Singapore? Here are 5 Critical Tips Lawyers Don’t Want You To Know.

If you’re still in the process of contemplating divorce, you’re probably hunting for cheap divorce lawyers. In this article, I’ll break down the 6 critical tips that you absolutely must know before engaging a cheap divorce lawyer.

Tip 1: There’s nothing wrong with looking for a cheap divorce lawyer.

Who doesn’t want to avoid expensive lawyer fees, right? Even so, you have to keep in mind that there are things that you have to consider before choosing a cheap divorce lawyer to work with, aside from the price of their services.

The reality is, there is nothing wrong with looking for a cheap divorce lawyer. Competence is competence. It’s possible to find cheap divorce lawyers that are still competent and can help you out with your divorce. What matters is that you must find a lawyer that not only fits your needs but also your budget.

Tip 2: Choose a cheap divorce lawyer who offers fixed and transparent fees

It’s nice to know if you’ve already found a cheap divorce lawyer who charges affordable lawyer fees. The question is: is it a wise decision?

Would you trust a divorce lawyer who doesn’t have a fixed rate and instead changes or increases the price each time you approach them?

Tip 3: Ensure that filing of the divorce papers is also included in the scope of service

Some cheap divorce lawyers know how to market their services really well. Their fees may only include the preparation of the divorce papers, but excludes the costs incurred for filing and submission to Court of the divorce papers.

If your divorce papers are not filed, you will not be able to obtain your divorce judgment!

You have to be 100% certain that the fees which are marketed as “cheap” and “affordable” include the filing of divorce papers.

Tip 4: Ensure that the cheap divorce lawyer’s fees are inclusive of court filing fees, disbursements and GST

If the lawyer fees are cheap but not all-inclusive then you might end up paying more. So it’s important that you know the details of the divorce fees they charge. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications to avoid future misunderstandings. Ensure that there are no additional court filing fees, disbursements and GST that will be incurred.

Tip 5: Find a lawyer worth trusting rather than just looking for the cheapest price

The bottom line is – it’s still all about finding a trusted lawyer. You can actually save more money if you would choose a lawyer who is honest, reliable, and credible.

What does your gut feel tell you when you meet the lawyer? Are they able to handle your case meticulously and fight for your rights? Or are they simply pushing you for the contested divorce option as the fees charged are simply higher?

It is critical that you find a lawyer that you can place your trust in as opposed to selecting a lawyer that is simply cheap.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cheap Divorce Lawyers In Singapore

What is the cheapest divorce you can get?

It would probably be a Simplified Uncontested Divorce where both parties agree to all divorce terms. The legal fees may vary depending on the grounds of the case as well as other issues involved.

You can contact our divorce lawyers in Singapore for more information. Rest assured we will assess the specific’s of your situation to work out a just and reasonable budget according to your circumstances.

Is it possible to file for a divorce without a lawyer?

Yes, it is. However, the process can be slightly complicated when you handle all the paperwork on your own. Additionally, if the content of the divorce has been wrongly filed, it might result in more complications to clean up the mess that is being left behind.

How much does it cost to hire a cheap divorce lawyer in Singapore?

The price of engaging a cheap divorce lawyer in Singapore can vary significantly. This broad spectrum primarily hinges on the complexity of your case, specifically whether it’s an uncontested or contested divorce. To be able to choose the right lawyer, always check their credentials and ask the scope of work that is included in the fees they charge.

Is it risky to choose a cheap divorce lawyer?

It wouldn’t be risky if the lawyer would discuss the scope of work and the inclusions of their rates. They should also explain if there are adjustments on their fees. Always choose lawyers you can place your trust in so you won’t end up paying more than what was quoted.

Conclusion in engaging affordable divorce lawyers

Singapore Family Lawyer has been providing reliable services to our clients. You can guarantee that our lawyers are more than capable of providing exemplary legal services.

In addition to that, we also offer affordable and transparent fees. We will definitely explain everything about our rates and you can expect us to answer your questions with all honesty.

We offer fixed fees but it will still depend on the scope of work needed for your case. We will make sure to give you options that will help you not only with your case but also with your budget.

We’re also offering instalment payments and free consultation. To get to know more about these, feel free to contact us. If you also want to have an idea regarding our rates, you can check them out here.

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